Getting practical business experiences while studying

Business studies in Raipur

Getting practical business experiences while studying

Hitting the business school to get a degree is a dream for every entrepreneurial student. Besides business schools, what could be the best opportunity to learn business lessons and methods? 


Although entering the business in real life is a whole different thing than studying about it, in the era of the internet, taking real business experiences and lessons apart from business studies in Raipur is no more squeezing water from stone. 


In today’s world, having a practical business is possible and necessary. This blog will share some secrets to acquire valuable business lessons while studying.

How to get practical business experience

There are numerous ways to get practical business experience while studying the best are discussed below:

  • Internships

Entering a company is the best way to get practical experience and real lessons. Getting a company according to your stream and interest is an excellent way to get experience. During internships, companies teach interns a lot of practical tasks. 

Along with it, an intern also learns from their senior’s experience and deals with real challenges and problems arising in an association.

  • Volunteering

Volunteering is one of the great ways to gain experience and build your network. Volunteering includes fundraising, event managing, marketing, etc., which provides excellent business skills to the volunteer pursuing business studies in Raipur

Besides skills and practical lessons, volunteering provides an excellent opportunity to build a strong network. It helps to connect with people of multiple streams.

  • Networking

Networking is another great way to get practical business lessons. Joining different companies and attending their seminars and demonstrations while networking with their clients and employees helps them gain skills. 

Besides this, it also gives a lot of chances to have guidance and mentorships from professors of Mats University Raipur as well.

  • Case studies

Case studies are brief analyses of business models, their executions, challenges, and steps to overcome them. Business case studies perfectly picture real business experiences and practical lessons. 


It also highlights the qualities one should have to handle business and overcome challenges. Besides this, case studies also show how to change threats into opportunities.


Therefore, case studies are the best way to learn real-life lessons. Studying case studies as much as possible while pursuing business studies in Raipur is advisable.

  • Freelancing

Freelancing provides you freedom and work at the same time. However, it is not considered equivalent to on-site work; it is not less than actual work. 


Engaging freelance work on your stream and working on it consistently gives you real-life lessons and teaches several skills like dealing with clients, completing tasks before deadlines, negotiating, etc.

Here are some more tips and advises

The advice and methods discussed above are excellent ways to attain real business lessons. However, they are not the only way to gain practical lessons; there are other ways. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Consultation with professors

Professors in business studies in Raipur are generally observant and have been observing the market and a particular stream for a long time. Therefore, professors are best to get guidance from. Consulting them can give valuable advice and practical stuff.

  • Following companies on social media

In today’s world, many giant companies are actively present on social media and using it as a platform to connect with consumers. Due to this, they share a lot of their work and strategy on social media platforms. By following it, one can observe their actions and learn much about marketing, PR, entrepreneurship, etc.

  • Going through online resources

Many online materials explain the key steps and significant decisions the company takes during a threat or an emergency like an economic crisis, natural hazards, etc. Such records available at Mats University Raipur explain a lot about companies and entrepreneurship. By going through it, one can learn practical business lessons while studying.

  • Shadowing

The term shadowing stands for observing and learning. Despite being the most underrated skill, shadowing is among the most used and practical skills. A lot of well-known entrepreneurs and successful individuals practice this. Shadowing helps learn business lessons as well as in learning many other skills.



In this blog, we saw that business schools can teach well about business studies in Raipur, but it takes more than just studies to get practical lessons. Getting real business lessons and experiences takes work, but if one tries and works hard, one can get it along with reflections.


Through several steps like networking, volunteering, internships, freelancing, etc., one can easily access real business experiences. It is also necessary to get introduced to real-life problems that arise in business and solve them to get an overall picture of a real business.


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