Virtual reality….

Information Technology-Blog

Virtual reality….

Virtual reality is the term used to describe a three dimensional computer generated environment which can be explored and interacted by a person. It is used to create immersive experiences that can help educate and even entertain consumers.

The technology of Virtual reality was invented in early 50,s by Morton Heilig. He made the device called as sensorama, which is consider as one of the earliest VR system. However the term virtual reality was given later in 1987 by researcher Jaron Lanier

There are three main types of virtual reality used nowadays which are non-immersive, semi-immersive and fully-immersive.

Till now there are various changes which are been bought for its modification and enhancement to make it more efficient.

Role of VR in various fields

Education – Virtual reality helps student discover how the software can used in various fields such as medicine, fashion, development and others. It provides a lot of help and guidance to the students and makes their learning easier.

Business – virtual reality can be used to train staffs and professionals who works in various industries such as real estate, construction or healthcare and has a big recognition in gaming industries and media platforms.

Marketing- VR marketing makes companies and owners to promote their products digitally which provides better impact on the consumers as comparison to the physical sales through which a immersive path can be created between the consumer and the owner of the company leading to the development of individual.

Medicine- VR allows for interactive viewing of three-dimensional models with complex anatomy. The study of human body can be make easier via VR, with its help one can easily study in depth about the structure of particular organ or bones, which makes problems easier for doctors and surgeons.

Virtual reality is a gift for the field of technology and sciences ,innovations like such are not only helpful but are also one of the best ever inventions which leads to the growth and development of the human society.

Dr Snehlata Barde
Associate Professor, MSIT

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